I enjoyed this trip i just wish that we had more time at both places, but it was still fun either way. I think first off that learning with the first person interpreter gave us all more of an inside of the history rather than just the straight facts. This is a much better way to teach things.
I liked the tour a lot for the house but i do think it would have been interesting to go through ourselves first and then with a tour guide. The one thing i will say is that it was neat to be able to go through all of the little rooms that the people not on the tour could not go into. Seeing how that wealthy family lived in the early 1900s i have realized that though many things have changed, some still have not. Many business people nowadays still buy big houses and second homes to impress others. The one thing that is different now though is that people didn't need to see how everything in the house happened, as we saw many of the modern conveniences were tucked away so the guests would not see them. I still though would much rather live in our era now where i can wash and dry my clothes in a machine that is not bigger than my living room. One other disadvantage of the homes was having to store and process all of their own drinking water, something we take for grant it everyday. The one thing that was much better about those times though is sometimes things (at least as we see them) were much simplified as in the way they lived.
Overall I thoroughly enjoyed the day and i can't wait for next time.
Feelings for First Semester
Five months have passed so quickly as we are moving on to the last week of
first semester in a period of seven days. We have had great times being
busy, la...
11 years ago
Please be careful to write properly, doubled check your spelling, and capitalize "I". This is not texting with your buddies. I like your idea of touring the main house individually before the tour and clearly we needed more time at both places, but the idea of these trips is to teach a little, experience a lot, and peek your interest to learn more about something you find interesting. We will keep your suggestions in mind for next year.
You're right about taking advantage of our drinking water. That would of been a total pain to have to process any water you wanted to drink.
Your gratitude towards our much smaller washing machines made me laugh. But we do take many things for granted that people living in the early 1900s would have been dazzled at.
I like your comment about how people who buy big houses now don't need to hide their appliances...it's a good point that I didn't really think about!
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