Thursday, October 23, 2008

Ching Ching!

---Ashley Costello---

I thought it was fun to lead my team. I was very lucky to have a group of my well behaved friends. Also, I had an adult on my trip, so it was pretty cool being in charge of someone a lot older than me. The whole leader thing was strange at first though, since I normally seem to be a follower but in the end I enjoyed it.

I tried to keep the learning portion of the bike trip fun and interesting. Not only did I have my group stop and read off the little informational boards along the path, but I also pointed out some other facts that I knew personally. Of course though, this could only go so far and my group was starting to become, well, sleepy. Since we needed to stop anyways, and I needed to wake them up a we were getting closer to one of the locks I yelled “Car!” which in turn caused everyone to break and look around frantically. I laughed and said “Okay, so there isn’t a car here in the middle of the woods, but there is another lock!” Cheers to their good senses of humor!

I think the idea of learning about the valley by taking the small bike trip was very interesting. Not only were we able to get some fresh air and bike in some great weather (unlike sitting in school where every hallway has its own climate and take notes all day…) it was a fun way to learn. Also, everyone got to learn or better their leadership skills and got the chance to share our valley voyages experience and spread knowledge to others.


First Knight said...

What a great recognition of the group. And awesome technique to keep things light but regain the focus of your group. It sounds like they were lucky to have the team leader they had.

Unknown said...

Nice job getting your groups attention. I'm glad you got your group to actually read the sign an learn about the valley.

Anna C said...

You sound like you had a really good time waking up your group with the car! I think my group kinda lost your group after a while because we were originally behind you.

Andreas Johansson said...

Lead. Never follow.

Also, love the keen observation about our climatic differences at school. Hence the jacket for me lately...

Sethna said...

People who are positive influences, like teachers, usually tell you to do things like leading as opposed to following.

I'd like to piggy-back off of that and say this. You don't always have to actively lead others but you should always think for yourself instead of differing to someone else's judgment.

I've already told you that I enjoy your sense of humor. Kudos.

When one of the people in my group questioned the logic behind using a Saturday to do school work; I asked her where else I could spend time going on awesome trips where really cool teachers would give me class credit for merely sharing my thoughts and my new knowledge.

I <3 VV.

Jeff said...

You sound like you led your group well. Humor and personal knowledge are great things to bring to the table when you're in that kind of teaching position.

Anna C said...

But don't you have to follow sometimes in order to learn, before you lead? that's what I don't's not all bad to follow is it?

First Knight said...

Follow the right people!